Legal terms and conditions

Privacy Statement / Notice uses cookies to optimize the service we provide to you. You consent to the use of cookies by remaining on this website.

We will use this Privacy Statement to explain how companies belonging to the Lis Lareida GmbH (referred to in the following as we), collect and otherwise process your personal data. This description is not final; other privacy statements, terms and conditions, terms of participation and similar documents may add provisions for specific circumstances.
We undertake to manage your personal data conscientiously. It is therefore self-evident to us that we will adhere to the legal obligations of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (DSG), the Ordinance to the Federal Act on Data Protection (VDSG), the Telecommunications Act (FMG) and other provisions of data protection law in Switzerland. Moreover, we will adhere to the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with regard to the processing of personal data of data subjects located in the EU.
If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please feel free to reach out to our Data Privacy Officer using the details set forth at the end of this Privacy Notice. We reserve the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Notice, at any time and at our sole discretion. To the extent permitted by law, any changes or modification will be effective immediately upon posting of the revisions on our website(s) without further notice. Last Revised: October 2021

Personal information is data that can be used to identify you or that we can otherwise link to you (the “Personal Information”). In particular, we collect certain Personal Information that you voluntarily provide to us, for example when you communicate with us via email or other channels, when you sign up for or ask us to send you newsletters or other materials, when you sign up for an event, when you buy our products or otherwise use one of your services. The Personal Information we collect includes, but is not limited to, your name, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, date of birth, credit card information, language preference and business affiliations.

Wir verwenden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, um Ihnen unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen anbieten und diese verbessern zu können sowie für Kommunikationszwecke, einschliesslich des Versands von Newslettern, Einladungen zu Veranstaltungen, Werbeaktionen und zur Pflege unserer Kontaktliste.

We use your Personal Information to offer you our products and provide you with and improve our services as well as for communication purposes, including sending you newsletters, invitations to events, promotions, and to maintain our list of contacts.

When processing your Personal Information for the purposes described herein, we rely on your consent to this Privacy Notice, our legitimate interests in maintaining business relationships and communicating with you and/or our performance of any contract or another ground for lawful processing of your Personal Information under the applicable laws and regulations.

Where permitted and appropriate in our view, we disclose personal data to third parties within the framework of our business activities and the purposes set out in section 3, either because these third parties process the data on our behalf or because they intend to process the data for their own purposes. This applies in particular to the following third parties:

  • our service providers (within the Lis Lareida GmbH and external providers like banks, insurance firms), including contract processors (e.g. IT providers);
  • retailers, suppliers, subcontractors and other business partners;
  • national and international government agencies, offices or courts;
  • media;
  • the general public, including visitors to websites and social
  • media;
  • competitors, industry organisations, associations, societies and other bodies;
  • buyers or potential buyers of business divisions, companies or other parts of the Lis Lareida GmbH;
  • other parties to possible actual legal proceedings;
  • other partners of the Lis Lareida GmbH;
    jointly referred to as recipients.

Some of these recipients are national, but could also be located anywhere in the world. In particular, you should anticipate the transfer of your data to all countries in which the Lis Lareida GmbH is represented by group companies, permanent establishments or other offices, as well as to other countries in Europe and the United States where our service providers are domiciled (e.g. Microsoft).
Where we transfer data to a country without adequate data protection laws, we use – as prescribed by law – suitable contracts (namely that are based on standard contractual clauses by the European Commission) or binding corporate rules to ensure an adequate level of protection. Alternatively, we base our practice on the legal exceptions granted in regard to personal data in cases of consent, contractual performance, the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, overriding public interest or because it is necessary to protect the physical integrity of the data subject. You may obtain at any time a copy of the aforementioned contractual assurances, please feel free to reach out to our Data Privacy Officer using the details set forth at the end of this Privacy Notice. We reserve the right, for reasons of data protection or secrecy, to redact the copies or to provide only excerpts.

We store your Personal Information only for as long as necessary for the purposes described above. How long we retain Personal Information can vary significantly based on context of the services we provide and on our legal obligations. The following factors typically influence retention periods:

  • How long is the Personal Information needed to provide our services? This includes such things as maintaining and improving the performance of our products, keeping our systems secure, and maintaining appropriate business and financial records. This is the general rule that establishes the baseline for most of our data retention periods.
  • Is the Personal Information sensitive? If so, a shortened retention time is generally appropriate.
  • Have you provided consent for a longer retention period? If so, we will retain data in accordance with your consent.
  • Are we subject to a legal, contractual, or similar obligation to retain your Personal Information? Examples can include mandatory data retention laws in the applicable jurisdiction, government orders to preserve data relevant to an investigation, or Personal Information retained for the purposes of litigation.

After it is no longer necessary for us to retain your Personal Information, we will dispose of it in a secure manner according to our data retention and deletion policies.

We may scan messages automatically and check for spam, viruses, phishing and other malicious activity, illegal or prohibited content or violations of this Privacy Notice or any other applicable policies.

We restrict the use and access to your Personal Information to those who have an absolute need-to-know to provide you with our services or access to our website and/or to communicate with you. We maintain appropriate technical, physical and organisational measures to help protect your Personal Information from unauthorised access, disclosure, modification, loss or destruction in accordance with applicable data protection and security laws.
When transferring Personal Information to countries not providing an adequate level of data protection, we use appropriate measures (such as the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, which may be read here) to ensure a sufficient level of protection of your Personal Information. As with all online mediums, the storage and transmission of electronic information is unfortunately not always completely secure. Although we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of information stored on our or our vendors’ servers or transmitted via email or through our website; you transmit personal information to us at your own risk.

We welcome your inquiries and comments. You have the right to know what Personal Information we process about you and may request a copy. You are also entitled to have incorrect or incomplete Personal Information about you corrected or completed and you may ask us to delete your Personal Information. You can also object to certain Personal Information about you being processed and request that processing be limited. Please note that the limitation or deletion of your Personal Information may mean that we will be unable to provide the services and information described above. You also have the right to receive your Personal Information in a machine-readable format and have the information transferred to another party responsible for data processing.
You also have the right to contact the data protection supervisory authority in your country of residence.

This Privacy Notice addresses only our use and handling of Personal Information, which we collect from you in connection with providing you our services. If you disclose your Personal Information to a third party, or visit a third party website via a link from our services, their privacy notices and practices will apply to any Personal Information you provide to them or they collect from you.
We cannot guarantee the privacy or security of your Personal Information once you provide it to a third party and we encourage you to evaluate the privacy and security policies of your trading partner before entering into a transaction and choosing to share your Personal Information. This is true even where the third parties to whom you disclose Personal Information are bidders, buyers or sellers on our site.

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device by visiting our website or opening our marketing related emails. A cookie will usually contain the name of the website from which the cookie has come from, the “lifetime” of the cookie (i.e., how long it will remain on your device) and a value, which is usually a randomly generated unique number. Cookies (including third-party cookies such as tracking technologies provided by Google Analytics) are in particular used to ensure and improve the functionality of the website or for general marketing purposes by providing information on interaction of unique browser-device pairs with the website (such as number of sessions, pageviews, clicks and ecommerce interactions and time spent), statistical information on interaction with the website (including referrals thereto, popularity of certain content, accessing users’ categories, markets, regions, languages, demographics, browser and device types and similar information), or statistical information on interaction with our marketing emails (such as if they have been opened or forwarded or links have been clicked on). Cookies are also used to provide you with personalized advertising on third party websites and/or apps for your specific interests.
Third-party service providers use of our website, combine this information with information from other websites you have visited (and which they also track) and use such combined information for their own purposes. If you have registered with the respective service providers, they may be able to identify you. In these instances, their processing of your Personal Information will be governed by their privacy policies.
Most internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies. You may change your browser settings to delete and block cookies. By continuing to use our website without changing your settings you consent to our and our third-party service providers’ use of cookies. If you would like more information about cookies, we can recommend and as helpful resources. Both websites also provide instructions on how to reject cookies if you would like to do so.

We use Google Analytics or comparable services in some areas of our website. This is a third-party service that may be located in any country on our planet (in the case of Google Analytics it is Google LLC in the United States, and that we use to measure and analyse the use of our website (pseudonymised). In this case also, persistent cookies are used that are placed by the service provider. The service provider does not receive from us any personal data (and does not store any IP addresses), but is able to track your use of the website, to associate this information with data from other websites that you have visited and that are also tracked by service providers, and to use this insight for its own purposes (e.g. to control advertising). The service provider is aware of your identity if you are registered with the service provider. In this case, processing of your personal data is the responsibility of the service provider and shall take place in accordance with its privacy policy. The service provider merely informs us how the individual website is used (without personal information about you).

In addition, our website uses plug-ins from social media networks like Facebook or Instagram. Their use is visible to you in each case (typically denoted by the company logo). We have configured these elements so that they are disabled by default. Should you enable the plug-ins (by clicking on them), the operators of the individual social networks will become aware of your presence on our website and will be able to use this information for their own purposes. In this case, any processing of your personal data will be the responsibility of this operator and shall take place in a manner consistent with its privacy policy. The operator does not provide us with any
information about you.

We use Google Maps to show you maps and to prepare information on where to find us. Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. By using this online offering, you provide your consent to the collection, processing and use by Google, one of its representatives or third-party providers, of data collected either automatically or provided voluntarily by you (including the IP address). For the Google Maps terms of use, click on the following link:
For detailed information on transparency and selection options, as well as the Privacy Policy, visit the privacy center at:

Texts, images, videos, software, products, services and other information contained or displayed on the website may not be modified, copied, demonstrated, licensed, published, uploaded, sent or made perceptible in any other way with the express permission of the Lis Lareida GmbH or the respective rights holder. This does not include the user’s right to his or her own private use in compliance with all copyrights and other proprietary rights.

The copyright in the content of these websites and other websites or applications operated by Lis Lareida GmbH is the sole property of Lis Lareida GmbH. The contents may not be used, duplicated or reproduced without the express written permission of Lis Lareida GmbH.

Should you have any questions or concerns relating to this Privacy Notice or the processing of Personal Information we hold about you, please contact us:

By post:
Lis Lareida GmbH
Ausstellungsstrasse 25
8005 Zurich

By email:
[email protected]